The MobileBridge Momentum Platform allows companies to reward their customers for driving revenue and brand awareness and turn consumers into a marketing machine. Every time a customer introduces someone to a brand, leaves a review, assists other shoppers, actively promotes a product or service on social channels, or performs any other activity that supports the brand awareness and drives revenue they will be rewarded with blockchain based tokens. Where in the past, people had to purchase cryptocurrency or invest heavily in ‘mining’ to earn them, with the MobileBridge Momentum Platform, consumers can now earn crypto tokens by investing their time, attention and good -will to promote the companies they like and trust.
- Provides transparency to user data
This platform allows the end users to have full control on their profile. As the system is based on blockchain so it enables to handle encryption, storage and access right to the users. This function is required to build up the trust of the consumers and assure them that their details are stored and secured in a trustworthy platform.
2.Transforming the marketing paradigm
The next step of this platform is to connect the blockchain facility with storage management & reward distribution. The infrastructure offered by the platform allows the companies to have their own 'instance'. It will allow its users to spin and launch their own choice of momentum token.
3.Allow for industry collaboration
This platform will allow many companies to join a single reward token alliance. This token alliance will be controlled by all the brands which are the part of this platform. This system even enables the same reward coin to be earned and spent on multiple brands. The facility for earning rewards and incentives is also an ability of this feature. Using these feature companies could gather a great crowd of their consumers.
4.Enhancing existing loyalty schemes
This offers a platform to build a standardized option to extend and augment existing loyalty program. It offers two ways for it i.e. mirroring and extending. Mirroring means each of the loyal points earned by the consumers will be reflected in the blockchain based tokens. Extending means the existing facilities will be continuing in the platform with the addition of blockchain facility.
5.Future use
Developing the solution in an efficient way will lead this platform for further increased demand in the market. There will be benefits for both the companies & the consumers which will attract the more users towards this platform.
• No valuable loyalty program in the market.
• No direct feedback facility from consumer.
• No transparency.
• Traditional marketing system often badly timed, lack of personalization which results in generating spams.
• Some efforts get waste while trying to make customers happy and satisfied.
• The platform allows the companies to launch their own token of incentives and reward system.
• This platform offers rewards to its valuable users for buying the products, reviewing and even while recommending it to their friends.
• This platform helps companies and consumers to build a lifelong relationship.
Benefits offered to Marketers
• Build a platform to support the need of the consumers.
• Companies can build real relationships with their customers for having full support for their brand.
• Grow the target audience easily.
• Build lifetime value by using loyalty rewards function.
• Help the companies to understand the trending marketing strategy which will appeal more customers to their brand.
Benefits offered to Consumers
• This platform offers the seamless experience with the customer's favorite brand.
• No unnecessary spams.
• Get rewarded for buying, reviewing or any engagement related to purchasing.
• A facility for exchanging rewards for real and portable value.
• All the transactions and rewards will be stored in the security system and will hold transparency for the users.
• Total token sale: 1, 000, 000, 000
• Tokens for sale during ICO: 500, 000, 000
• Token price: €0.10 (~0.12 USD/CHF)
Announcement thread
Author: Bokis14;u=1972044;sa=summary
address : 0xcd0E0058E76c27d184aa8277e14da1544E1b2B99
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